Koło Radiolokacji I Cyfrowego Przetwarzania Sygnałów oraz towarzystwo IEEE ma zaszczyt zaprosić Was na seminarium prowadzone przez Profesora Canera Özdemira pod tytułem:
"The importance and use of Fourier Transform in Radar Imaging", które odbędzie się 28 maja 2025 w godzinach: 17:15 - 19:00 w sali 116 na Wydziale EITI PW.
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Więcej informacji o tematyce seminarium:
The imaging of a target using electromagnetic (EM) waves emitted from radars is mainly based on the phase information of the scattered waves from the target. This is because of the fact that the phase information is directly related to the range distance of the target. As by the nature, there exists a direct Fourier trasnsform (FT) relationship between the propagation constant and the taken distance of the EM wave. Therefore, the FT operations plays a crucial role in radar imaging applications, ranging from range profiling to synthetic aperture radar (SAR) algorithms. Since the SAR data are usually huge and processing this amount of data is an extensive and time-consuming task, the FTs are usually utilized to speed up signal processing procedures such as range and azimuth compression. Similarly, FT operations are oftenly utilized in Inverse SAR (ISAR) at which two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) FT calculations are made for real-time constructinon of 2D or 3D ISAR images of target, respectively.